Best Time of Year to Buy a New Car

The fall is the best time of year to buy a new car, that’s why we’re inundated in car ads- radio, newspaper, cut to star wipe.

Because the fall is when the new model-year vehicles arrive, rendering the existing cars on the lot “old stock.”

How to use this season to your advantage when car shopping.

Read it online at Autonet.

Favourite line:

The fall is the only time of year cars are so deeply discounted, so provided your’e ok with the hidden price of having to compromise on colour and features, it’s the best time of year to buy a car. 


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Expanded my URL Collection

I don’t collect anything, never have.  In fact, I’m currently in super-purge-mode, I’ll show you later this week.

URLs though, that’s a weakness.  I now have 40!


Come ON how good is that top one?! So good I almost didn’t tell you about it.

I’ve been at this for years.  I keep a list on my phone.  Sometimes when I want to zone out, I sit running seraches, see if they’re available

This is what I bought last time.


A big thanks for Hover for enabling my borderline obsession.

$15/year, privacy included, which is a good deal. Plus when you call, someone in downtown Toronto picks up. Hopefully for you Mike picks up. This is Mike. Ha, hi Mike!  It’s still funny :|


I Went on URL Shopping Spree

I bought 20!!

I’ve been keeping a list for a few years, and an eye on whom to register with.

I like Hover for several reasons… they’re since 1999, they’re 100% Canadian, and when I call for help someone picks up in downtown Toronto. If you’re lucky, Mike picks up (he looks like this).

Starting at $15/year, privacy included!, and their interface is slick and easy.


Kay, ready for what I bought??

I made them into a beautiful Wordle…

There’s more not listed here, but that’s another Wordle for another time.

Full Disclosure – You bet I got a great deal, how else could I get so many? Thanks, Hover!

(this is the internet in an image)