#VWArtHeist #Toronto #ha

Here is your clue:

Think like me, there’s more than enough information here to reveal its location, think like a spy…

I’ll update this by the day’s end to reveal how and where, good luck!!

(I’m driving a Jetta GLI )


I gave you the art’s location through…. EXIF data – the information that comes attached to a photo when you have your GPS turned on and take a photo.

Click here to see where I uploaded the photo to Google, look on the right, there’s a map pinpointing where the photo was taken.

Here’s a closer look at geo-location data that came from the photo:

I leave my turned off, always, and suggest you do too before posting a photo online.

Smarten Up, Internet.

I’ve Been a Geek a Long Time

Specifically since 1985 when I got my first Mac – the Apple Macintosh.

It had 128k of RAM, the computer you’re reading this on probably has 2-4GBs of RAM.  People built drafting programs, flight simulators, graphic programs with such little memory, think about that.

My favourite Mac of all time was the LC 575, that’s my only photo of it, yes those are lipstick kisses, and that’s its system software install disc.

A close second would be my Powerbook 170.

My worst computer by far was my Umax.  Remember that brief time when Apple allowed other companies to make the hardware and clones for their OS?  I despised mine, spent more time fixing it than I did using it.

Then when the iMac came out, and Apple gave out watches to test one at at their store. I wore that watch out.


Remember when crazy computer language started infiltrating our everyday conversations… BubbleJet, DotMatrix, Midi, WYSIWYG….

I kept that connector, might turn it into a piece of jewellery.


Dark Castle, 1986.

The world’s biggest floppy.

I originally had four, which I framed and displayed like art, then over the years I gave away three.

I have no idea what’s on the discs, they’re from a military base in the 90s. I should just say it holds a copy of the world’s first computer virus haha.



I’m Mobile Again

Thanks for the wheels, Chevrolet!

It’s their just-released Sonic – their hyrid car. Which has much more pep and pickup than you’d expect.

And Chevy knows me well, they gave me a manual car YA buddy, it’s great to be shifting again and making the engine rawwwwar out of the corners.

Here’s the interior.

Nice and simple, not too many bells and whistles, which I don’t like and think are superfluous.

If I were to buy a new car I’ll be saying no thanks to things like backing-up cameras and GPS. I can back up just fine with my eyes, and I don’t wish to be tracked.

I was at Chevrolet’s event in Dundas Square last week, they launched three new cars day… the Sonic, Orlando and their electric car, the Volt.

It was also a big day in internet history too, they streamed live all day to the homepage of YouTube, and for a minute I was on it, neat eh! Casie and I were interviewed about driving the the Volt. Unfortunately neither of us have footage of it, lesigh.