I've Created Something Unsustainable

I’m now writing 5 auto articles / week – 1 column, 1 review, 3 news stories.

(this is considered a reasonable number by auto journalists standards, who probably have to put in less research time than me)

But today for example… I liked my column and want to show you (chided pedestrians again ha), but it’s now 10:51pm, and my to-do list and omg guys, it’s all really starting to click, but it’s so many spinning plates in the air…

Then I look at my computer, and I just want to not be on a computer anymore, and so here sits my poor blog.

The kicker is, and this part eats at me, is it’s not the content creation that’s the problem. I have like, 40 half-drafted posts of things I want to tell you. It’s the publishing time; the hours linking things up / upload / tag / check facts / file management / create / AND.

I said it aloud for the first time today:

I dream of attaching some photos to an email, writing a few lines of text, then I get back a link to a drafted blog post awaiting my polish, hit publish.

And that my last 400 posts magically become properly tagged, because they are not. And I have a regularly-scheduled newsletter, and my advertising revenue plan-of-action is put into motion. I dream of having a set slot of time each day, to hang out on FB and Twitter, to invest in deeper conversations that continue over time.

I could type 3,000 words easy on this, I’ll stop.

I think, with help, I could update this blog with 3 unique posts a day, one of which is an edited video.

A video a day.

I’ve done it a few times over the years; that’s a 24-hour schedule to pull that off; unsustainable. The longest I did it was 3 weeks at the Olympics, then 4 weeks recovery time.

But it’s always been about videos, I think that’s where I excel. That’s why I started with videos in 2007. No too soon, blogs are it? Okay now I have a blog. More writing, journalist? Okay got it sort of figured out. But it’s always been to get to video.

Something has to change though, this pace is too gruelling. And this pace doesn’t age well, and I should probably dedicate effort to learning to eat properly and get fit. Because if not, I won’t be able to keep up. Plus imagine the video, “hey I’m here shifting the all-new VW Jetta *shift, back of arms wobbles*

kk I’m done thanks for listening, and for always checking in.

It means more than you realize.


Photos from Last Week



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