Just 3 Minutes

Kay I think this is gonna work… add some pressure to it all and tada, a video/day.  Ambitious?  Guess we’ll find out.

I’m still convinced in my heart I can make a living from a video blog, game on.

Feels a bit long to me, hmmm.  Tomorrow I’ll tell you about my cycling team, maybe with a more focused topic it will be better.

Click here to see a straddle-back.

And look!  I’ve now got a new method for accepting my change from a storekeeper, so they don’t think they too will get leprosy.

A Gymnastics Video Progress Update

A close-up of grips:

Links to parkour stuff from my show:

– one of my best times out ever

– one of my worst times; blew my ankle out, look at MegaAnkle

– that time I crossed a river on a tree and it broke

why I like parkour

– the episode, Exploring Parkour

– a gate vault, and my friend vaulting my car

Rannie Blew Me Up

Rannie aka PhotoJunkie put together an exhibition 140 Characters… asked a bunch of us around Toronto to sum ourselves up in 140 characters, photographed us and then threw a great party to celebrate it all.

My 140-character bio:

Sometimes out-of-hand, protective of my imagination, love Canada so much. The trick to a fun life is to quit TV and say yes to everything.

He blew me up into a poster, neat eh, it’s a static cling one you can peel&stick over and over anywhere.  I get to keep it!  And dude, way to position me right beside the door… my spy skills precede me ;)

I think it could be funny for one minute if I put it on the left side of my car and drove around.  Or my other idea was to put it up on a wall, any wall somewhere busy, and stand in front of it like I’m my own mobile meet&greet stand for I’m-not-sure-yet.

Remember when Rannie starred in a Canadian Explorer Episode?