Real Olympic Gold Medals

It’s Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir, the Canadian Olympic Gold winning ice dancers, hi guys! Congratulations on killing it at the games and more recently, the Worlds.

They were really nice, and even better looking in person.

Their winning performance:

Body Shop was also nice to host this, thank you!  They launched a new product, “Body Butter Duos” and sent me home with some, the Sweet Pea being my favourite.

One side for normal skin, the other for very dry, smells good and light, like, not too perfumey, which is good because I am so sensitive to smells.  90% of the time I hold my breath when I open someone’s fridge.

This is the second time I’ve been lucky enough to hold a Gold, remember when I was in Whistler last year and found snowboarder Maelle Ricker?

Hello, An Update

Been a busy May, eh.  Can you believe it’s mid-May ugh.

Let’s see…

Went to a Toronto FC game recently, always a great time beacuse it’s a loud and rowdy crowd.

Learned that soccer is called, “the beautiful game”, because once the clock starts it doesn’t stop, so therefore the game is always contained to two hours. Unlike football, which has so many stops and starts I practically died of boredom last year and left early.

Box view:

Got a haircut, this time Matthew from Brennen Demelo Studio. He just returned from Berlin Germany, where he was furthering his education,.

That’s one of the best parts about this place… you can go to any stylist there if your regular isn’t available, and everything will still come out amazing.

What else…

Oh, I got this idea in my head a few weeks back…. I’d like to be a Toronto tour guide atop a double decker bus, spouting off into the microphone facts about the city and Canada. You do not even realize how much Canadian facts I have here in my head.

I’d film the entire experience of course, and then ideally I sell the video to some tourism outfit which promotes Toronto, and this is just one of a million ideas I have everyday and WHERE IS MY ARMY TO HELP ME EXECUTE IT ALL???

Now please give a warm welcome my new music sponsor, Capo Productions!

Royalty-free music is pricey and important. Did you know  YouTube uses a robot to scan the audio on your video as it uploads, determines if you are  using a song you don’t own and flags your video for further analysis?

Thank you Fred, I’m pumped about this!

Here’s some noteworthy technical things:

From top left to right:

– I’m quite proud of that pie chart, specifically the yellow chunk… this is the average time spent on my blog.  35% of visitors spend over an hour here. So thank you for pushing play!

– I think the private cloud market will explode soon, and have been thinking to invest in it

– there’s something you don’t see everyday, a red light on the side of a Macbook, my Macbook.

– that’s my Klout score, holding at a solid 50, not bad not bad. See how it says I’m an “activist”? I like that.  It got many of my “influential about” topics correct (McDonalds, ha), except for ‘Keri Hilson’, I’ve never typed her name ever?

Kay that’s a long blog post, TTYS.

Have You Seen My Golf Swing?

Here is is, look:

Been seeing people in collered shirts out and about, happy golf season to you if you play.  I’m at the Andy Bathgate Driving Range , yes as in the ex-Leaf, he’s really nice.

I like going to the driving range once a year, not actually playing four hours aaaaaare you kidding me.

Plus I can’t be out in the sun that long… get ready for sunscreen reminders from me to you, I’m like a future person – I wear it every day, even in the winter, minimum 30 SPF.

But did you also notice sun-burned people walking around Monday? It’s not like it used to be, the sun. One day we’ll regularly wear clothes with sun protection woven in.

My Cycling Team is Top in Ontario AGAIN!

Once again my cycling team is tops in Ontario, YES fellas.

My team are O-cup racers, which means, they compete against the top cyclists in the province.

From last week at the 43rd Annual Springbank race in London Ontario, here’s teammate Nick…

A 40km race around a 2.2km loop (so 18 times around), all in the freezing rain (that wasn’t the best Sunday weather that day).

During the last lap he pulled ahead of eeeeeveryone…

And then:


Congratulations Nick! You’re killing it!