Enter Year of the Dragon

(dragon statue by Swarovski. Takes 490 hours to make one, only 888 were made)

Gong Xi Fa Chai! Happy New Year!

It’s Chinese New Year tomorrow, January 23 2012, and it’s ‘Year of the Dragon’.

It’s the only sign of the Chinese zodiac that is a creature that you cannot see. Powerful and mystical. Mysterious and lucky.

In the old days the dragon represented the king and only the king could wear the dragon symbol on his clothing. The year of the dragon is especially popular.

Things you do to prepare for this:

  • Make sure your home is clean and tidy before the new year
  • Don’t forget your car, everyone forgets their car
  • Don’t take throw out the garbage for 5 days after the new year – – or you are ‘throwing away your money’
  • Take special care not to break any glass – bad luck
  • Try not to make any enemies or quarrel with anyone
  • Wear red underwear for good luck
  • Get a haircut

If you need inspiration for purging, remember when I created ‘The Emporium’, and gave away everything I own?

All of that, gone. And I haven’t thought or missed any of it for one second. You won’t either, you’ll see.

Here’s to this being your best year yet! I hope all your dreams come true in 2012.

xo Keri



Got You Some Monday Morning Flowers


Hope you had a good weekend, too!

Played pool and video poker, inhaled more “Burn Notice” episodes, it was a lazy lazy Sunday and #SundayCleaning , of course.

Upcoming posts include:

  • – differences between CDN & USA Part 2
  • – video poker and life strategy are so similar
  • – a first peak at ‘Keri on Security’
  • – voice notes from my Blackberry

Here’s to a productive good start to your week, TTYL!!
