A $215,000 Snow Shower

It’s a 2014 Audi R8 V10 plus Coupé.

A 5.2 L engine, outputting 550 hp and 398 lbs-ft, 0 to 100km in 3.5 seconds, and a top speed of 319 km/h.

Driving is Motoring TV‘s Russ Bond, I’ve introduced you before.

We were at a Young Driver’s event on Sunday.

Paul Reid was there too, capturing better quality footage for Motoring, while I captured a nice photo of Paul.

Which I’m good at; ha Paul, that photo is still funny.



Debuted on MotoringTV Today

Motoring TV on TSN is Canada’s, and one of the world’s, longest-running TV shows – 27 seasons!

Watch the video on MotoringTV.com

Being edited on a big-boy system.

It’s just web though, to be clear, not TV.

Technically, it’s my 3rd video for them, I just never said anything.

There’s 2 more on the site: 1 about a Caravan charity project, and 1 when Kia sponsored a RIDE program awareness event back in the summer. I’m especially awkward in that one.

And that’s enough for today. Still shy.




Camouflaging Cars

When testing a new model, manufacturers disguise the cars from curious, long camera lenses… a leaked shot of an upcoming debut really sucks the drama away.

So many automakers keep a Camo Expert on staff.

The goal is to trick the eye into seeing something that’s not there.

How? The camo makes it difficult for a camera lens to focus, or sometimes an infrared-absorbing paint is used, B&W swirly paint can make convex appear concave, or the shape of the car is altered using styrofoam and fake body parts.

Read it online at Autonet.

Favourite line:

 There are different types of camo, but both always mask the two most important design features – the grille and tail lights. 


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