Proof You Need Snow Tires in 15 Seconds

If winter tires grip that much more on concrete, imagine the snow and ice. And remember, it’s about the temperature, not if there’s snow on the ground.

The rule is: once it’s 7ºC or colder, snow tires should be on.


Just a Minute – Friday Wrap Up

A full week of tests complete, think this is the ticket guys, “Just a Minute”. Plus the other ones, like I said. And this video’s thumbnail is so meh because it hasn’t yet changed over on the YT servers, that’s all.

Comment or email suggestions, and have a great weekend!

Happy Thanksgiving American friends too.

Talk to you Monday!

Ever Take Photos Like This?

To see what you look like driving around?

I really did lose my snowtires, eh. I can’t believe it, like, I don’t even lose bobby pins.

I’ve searched three cities and tonight got a text back from my last place to check, nothing. It’s the dumbest mystery ever and it’s bugging the crap out of me.

Anyway, this is my 2010 Happy Meal Collection that until August was stored under the passenger seat.