I Broke my Back Blogging

Go ahead and laugh, I would.

Here’s the posture post I’m talking about, and here’s my favourite way to sit and concentrate, hand-over-mouth.

Casie helped re-create the scene of the incident:

Last time this happened, last summer, my back fixed itself… I was over at Casie’s, being lippy with a lot of gestures and over-dramatics, and it popped itself back into place. I’m hoping that’s what happens again.

I’d pledge here some giant exercise plan but meh, let’s be realistic. I did go to the physio this morning though, I’m on it.

I meant what I said above, about being slowed down being good for me… I tweeted that yesterday, actually I crushed yesterday YA buddy.

Also I did my best self-manicure ever… because I couldn’t move around and ruin them.

Let’s look back to happier, bouncier times, please think of me like this internet, send healing thoughts hahasigh.