It’s a Rare Lunar Eclipse Tonight, it’s a Tetrad

Today is a very rare lunar eclipse, and moreover, today was part of a ‘tetrad‘ – 4 eclipses occurring in a short span of time.

Today is the 2nd eclipse of 4, that will happen over 2 years.

April 15 2014
October 8 2014
April 4, 2015
Sept. 28, 2015

Hundreds of years can pass without a tetrad occurring. Curiously, the next will happen 20 years from now.

We’re living in a peculiar time, there’s a massive, subtle shift happening… includes the internet renaissance, globalization, the soon-arrival of thought-controlled computing….

Blog tags = The Planets / Planetary Alignment

(photo credit: Mark Blinch, Reuters)



Big Day Today, Planetary Alignment Wise

There was a lunar eclipse this morning.

Saturn, Venus, and Mercury lined up, it’s called a “three-object alignment“.

Full moon tonight (smallest full moon of 2012, because the moon is at its farthest away)

And throughout November, you can clearly see Jupiter.

Photo courtesty of Click for further reading about today, written by a NASA person.

For more on recent alignments, visit my blog category, The Planets