A Luxury Airline Amenity Kit

As about as fancy as these kits get.

Business class to Dubai, on Emirates Airline.

A full-sized toothbrush, a hair brush, missing is an eye mask.

A mirror, two creams (hand & face), and a bottle of perfume.

All with a signature scent, designed specifically for this flight bag.

(wasn’t me who flew, a friend brought it back for me, because I like Bulgari.)



Why Airport WiFi is the Most Hostile Network

I’ve harped on you for years via social media, “stay off airport WiFi, it’s dangerous and even the best guys don’t connect to it”.

When I travelled to Arizona two weeks ago, sitting at the terminal I was like, “okay fine, I have to wipe my phone soon anyway, and should demonstrate why I keep harping”.

I connect to the terminal’s free network.

Using an app on my phone, I scan the network.

1 – there are 573 devices connected to the network

2 – the brand of each device is displayed

3 – I can choose to see what each device is doing

4 – I can pick one device and track it! I assign it the name, “Test”

1 – listed are the IP (like an address) and MAC address (like a serial number) of all connected devices

2 – let’s see what’s happening with THYSSENKRUP-PC

3 – that’s his IP and MAC address, of his Intel PC

4 – the numbers on the left are his ports, and what traffic is going in/out on each  

* – this traveller has his business card taped to his laptop.

The Attack

A business traveller has connected both his phone and laptop, he’s working away. The attacker notes his brand of device, the device’s name, MAC and IP address, and what is happening on which ports.  Added bonus is the business card taped to the laptop.

The attacker does some social media mining, then a week later, the traveller gets a phone call.

“Jimmy hi! Karl from IT here. Look, there’s a bit of a meltdown happening at HQ, sorry but this is urgent, you were at Pearson airport last Tuesday, right?

You’re on a Blackberry, MAC address 00:1F:3B:Bo:D2:D3, and were connected to our Microsoft Exchange server, right?  Yup, look, we have a compromise here, and I’m going to need your access to your laptop…”


An elaborate example, because really, someone skilled now has enough information to breach Jimmy’s system, with neither the laptop lid business card, or a phone call.

The Defence

Use your phone (via USB, not Bluetooth) to connect to the internet.  Reduce the attack surface.

The Better Defence

Just don’t.

If you must, avoid entering any passwords, and certainly no banking or credit card numbers.

(see also: Protecting your Phone in an Uncertain Environment)


Having an Allergic Reaction to Computer

Physically even, I’m cringing a bit while typing.  It’s 11:30pm on Saturday and this is the first I’ve touched it since yesterday afternoon; an eternity for me.  Slept most of the day, and while awake I’ve been powering through the new Arrested Development.

I’m sorry again for the long-lag of no updates this week, blogging on the road is one thing, but during a press test event forget it, way too packed and fast an itinerary.  Home Thursday night, then yesterday was busy ok fine, but also heavy. Nothing bad, but those roller coaster days are draining.

It’s a lot to juggle guys… full time writing for the paper, my blog has picked up big speed so fit that in, plus travel, plus if I don’t get imagination / daydream imagination time I start to lose it (where do you think this all comes from?), but that’s the first thing to go in a busy day, and I fell into old eating habits, and there’s so much exciting things to tell you, not sleeping is not a good solution because now I’m haggard on camera, and where’s the exercise supposed to fit it so I can be strong, not just to keep this going, but kick it to the next level…. and it’s June 1 today, and summer always passes so quickly…

I’m not complaining, but am frustrated. I may be slightly burnt out.  Kay done.  Thanks for listening.

Here’s some photos from last 10 days *hangs head*

TTY Monday.  I have to give priority to newspaper deadlines tomorrow.

xo Keri


Friendly reminder you haven’t backed up recently.

Bought a blue dress.

Trying to me more ladylike.

Me last Friday.

I went to a meeting dressed like that. I may be pushing this jogging pants thing.

Fanny packs though, are going to huge this fall.  Not being dramatic.

This weeks car: Infiniti M37xS

Saw a fighter jet at the Oregon airport.

Had a good hair day.

Last last week I ate mac&cheese 5/7 days.

Back I go into Arrested Development.


Label your Luggage Always

A few months back I was looking out the window, waiting for the plane to take off… oh what’s that?

That’s my suitcase not being loaded on board. Instead, it’s about to be driven away on that little truck.

Oh no.  “Excuse me”… “Hello?” By now the truck has started driving away, I stand up “HI LISTEN HI”.

I described what happened, and it was the pilot himself who leaped off the plane and ran after the truck.

It was only then that I started to worry… imagine if I was wrong, and I’d just held up the plane, while the pilot chased someone else’s bag.

But it wasn’t, and he returned with my luggage, and the passengers around me were all, “sharp eye” and “nice catch”.  I only felt relief.

That’s why I use that giant orange luggage tag,
a bright red strap, and a green lock; VDMs

VDM – Visual Distinguishing Mark

(as I’ve blogged before, only use TSA approved red diamond locks when travelling)