An Old Favourite Canadian Explorer Episode

I wrote about suit jackets this week.  It made me remember a video.  So I dug it up, it made me laugh, here it is.

Ep. 27/80 – Exploring the Oldest Baseball Field in the World 

London, Ontario – It’s now called ‘Labatt Park‘, but was for the longest time, ‘Tecumseh Park’. Operating since 1877, that’s 132 years.  It has 5,200 seats, it’s a real grass field, and that’s another ‘Best in the World’ for Canada.

Original post June 2009

3 years ago, wow.  Have’t changed much; this post is filed  in 2/3 of my main blog categories (cars & security).  I still wear those jeans while exploring stuff.

The suit jacket comment is like, Social Engineering 101.



Trying to Defeat Facial Recognition Software

To be clear: I don’t know if this actually works. 

Makes sense though, eh?  I do know though, that this is why you are instructed not to smile in your drivers licence or passport photo – you don’t walk around smiling.

To be serious: you realize that everything you post online is likely added to a face database.  Facebook is the perfect example.

This summer, US Senator Al Franken said, “Facebook may have created the world’s largest privately held database of face prints, without the explicit knowledge of its users”.  

And people are getting upset.  Germany is suing Facebook over their use of facial recognition software, saying it’s illegal.  They’re also ordering the site to stop sharing their faces database with third-party applications.

Apple and Google do it too, but their services are opt-IN, Facebook’s default is opt-OUT.

Has it ever occurred to you to opt-out?  Maybe.  What about a housewife in Iowa?  Not a chance.  And with over 60 billion photos on Facebook’s servers…

Learn more:

CNET – about Facebook’s database

Businessweek – thoughts from the Senetor mentioned above

Slate – the FBI gave its facial recognition software, to law enforcement agencies

– Gizmodo – Kinect can read your facial expressions

VentureBeatdigital billboards are coming – they read your face, determine your mood, then make their pitch

Gizmodo – Intel is working on your TV reading your mood for ads

And I’ve got some scary apps bookmarked here, I’ll show you in video; it’s more effective demonstrated in video.



Take ATM Receipts Home to Shred

The other night, I had the good timing to be getting cash, while the cleaner finished their shift.

They emptied the garbage cans inside the bank, then come out to the lobby, and put the ATM receipt trash cans into the same bag. The receipts were not separated and sent to a shredding company, like they should be.

Am I being overly cautious? Maybe. Most banks don’t print off your whole account number.

But, there is a lot of information on those receipts, and if we thought long enough, I’m sure we could come up with a couple scenarios where a bag of them might be useful.