Let’s Go WarDriving

WarDriving – the act of searching for Wi-Fi networks from a moving vehicle, driven by someone interested in mapping the locations of Wireless Access Points (WAPs)

Lists are totalled: how many WiFis are locked, unlocked? What’s yours?

Favourite line:

Contrary to its name, wardriving is a relaxed style of driving … when you get down to it, wardriving is actually pretty boring. But the information it yields is not.

They used my collage! Love when that happens.

That’s 3 now (Stick Families are a Terrible Idea, and More Decorum, Please).

Read all my columns here. I started August 2012.

I have great news – as of today, my columns are now published on Autonet.ca! Until now, they printed and that was it, gone.

As a professional documenter, oh the anxiety that created.


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The Most Common iPhone Passwords

15 percent of iPhone passwords are:

1234, 0000, 1111, 5555, 2222, 1212

Also popular is up and down the middle.

“LOVE” is always on these lists.

1998 – I’d guess it’s popular because mime it out, it’s a comfortable password to input.  I’d also guess every person that uses 1998 is right handed.

The least used number in codes is 7.   

Same for people’s bank PIN numbers.

Let’s start using more 7s.



Stick Families are a Terrible Idea

Can’t believe they’re still popular, like…. still?! 

Even their location is dumb – why put them directly in the rearview mirror’s view?

Favourite line:

Stick families broadcast personal information, and are an unnecessary breach of personal security.

I’ve been collecting photos for a year.

Bottom right is mildly amusing.

Surely you’ve seen the “Anti-Stick Family” stickers.

Maybe, but you still have a stick family on your car.

Worst sticker I’ve ever seen:

A good social engineer will use that information,
to get directly into the victim’s mind and heart.

Example: the attacker Googles the name of the deceased, finds the cause of death.

Then, they “run into” the car’s owner, “yup, I’m just passing through here, trying to reach my donation goal for my charity, it’s to benefit [cause of death].  Oh, that’s a cause close to your heart, and you’ll donate?  Thanks so much.”

Blog tag = Social Engineering


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