Ever Take Photos Like This?

To see what you look like driving around?

I really did lose my snowtires, eh. I can’t believe it, like, I don’t even lose bobby pins.

I’ve searched three cities and tonight got a text back from my last place to check, nothing. It’s the dumbest mystery ever and it’s bugging the crap out of me.

Anyway, this is my 2010 Happy Meal Collection that until August was stored under the passenger seat.

About my Cyber Security Video

I really screwed the lighting, cupboards are well lit though. I’d forgotten how fast the sun sinks in the fall. I debated saying, “no I made it intentionally shadowy you know, to match the subject matter” but no, it’s just un-watchable.

I’m not too fussed about that happening, I’ll just sit down and blablabla at the camera again and upload it. I’m starting to like this simple video approach, you know, compared to how it was over at my show. Starting.

Two Blogs Polished in One Night

And tada! With the snap of this photo The Canadian Explorer is DONE. When that last episode goes up I’ll be…. I don’t know, probably celebrating ridiculously big. Thanks again for the help Patrick.

Look how pumped I am, looking around like, “everyone’s seeing this right?!”

And hey you!  Long time no see eh.  What you said and how you did when you came over to say hi this night, well, that was my best handshake all week so thanks.

Rannie Blew Me Up

Rannie aka PhotoJunkie put together an exhibition 140 Characters… asked a bunch of us around Toronto to sum ourselves up in 140 characters, photographed us and then threw a great party to celebrate it all.

My 140-character bio:

Sometimes out-of-hand, protective of my imagination, love Canada so much. The trick to a fun life is to quit TV and say yes to everything.

He blew me up into a poster, neat eh, it’s a static cling one you can peel&stick over and over anywhere.  I get to keep it!  And dude, way to position me right beside the door… my spy skills precede me ;)

I think it could be funny for one minute if I put it on the left side of my car and drove around.  Or my other idea was to put it up on a wall, any wall somewhere busy, and stand in front of it like I’m my own mobile meet&greet stand for I’m-not-sure-yet.

Remember when Rannie starred in a Canadian Explorer Episode?