Targa Rally Day 2 – How to Speak Rally

This is a page from a rally route book. It’s all about those symbols.

A Tulip – depicts the upcoming section of road, and how to drive on it. Start at the dot, finish at the arrow head.

The navigator’s job is to turn the tulips into words, and paint a picture inside the driver’s mind. A good navigator will increase the stage time by 7%, or about 6 places in the standings.

Minimal language must be used, including the least amount of syllables. Right up my alley, since I don’t really like talking.

There’s all types, on the right are bridges, gravel roads, more.  The red arrow are the ones to pay most attention to, especially !!! which could kill you.

The words are carefully chosen for the sounds they’re composed of, clever eh.

1 – harsh-sounding words, for extreme actions
2 – soft-sounding words, for easy movements

This afternoon, we were sent to practice. 1.5 km in and I’d already got us going in the exact wrong direction.

But after that, I executed it excellently. Found the trick to this game is to be laser-beam focused for short bursts of time. Even found a mistake in the route book ha.

Our team in action.

I appear confident, Michel appears opposite… which is it?

Maybe we are actually terrible, but probably not, or maybe this is all nonsense, because strategy. Just kidding.  Just ignore us.



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