Hi from Kentucky

Haven’t seen much of it yet, but am very familiar with the desk in my room, which is where I’ve been the whole time except for dinner.

Deadlines are all done now, and all I have to do tomorrow is test the new 200, and get coverage for 3 outlets. Game ON.

Was going to update this with photos, because I actually took some (I think I need to travel more), but after I filter and upload and and and, another hour will go by and I need to be up and camera-ready in a few hours. So, tomorrow.

Remember I said I was doing something wrong? Look at today:

Up at 530am, flew to here, put in 9 hours on my laptop, and while sure I met all my deadlines, here I am still typing at midnight, and my blog is the last thing to be updated, because the other two sites pay me, BUT, the only reason I have those two paying jobs is because of this blog, so it’s backwards but not, and round and round and round fall on my face. Any ideas, lmk.

Hope it’s a good Thursday night, best night of the week! xo