Parties Parties

Love ’em!

I didn’t take many photos, too busy having fun. Then when I did they were fuzzy oops.

I was out with these lovlies, Casie Stewart, It’s Brown Barbie and Shannon.

We looked so good walking down the street, strangers took photos, ha. Too bad I don’t have one to insert here.

Do you Yelp? They do a good job. Yelp – Real People write real reviews of your local businesses.

Best ad spec of the party – a glittery bouncy ball.

We were all so hungry, moved off to our next stop, burst through the door expecting a bar scene, and instead found this:

How great is that?!

A lovely dinner, served with Molson’s newsest addition – Sublime, a lime infused 67-calorie beer. Nice and light, not limey.