Here It Is, the Last Week of Summer

2013’s really flying by, huh.

I made this video two years ago, and research since says it’s pretty accurate: August is a write off, and start digging in, because in September everything takes off in fast-forward till mid-November.

The Rhythm of a Year

Original post – August 18, 2011

Oh, time – our only non-renewable resource. 


And That Concludes 2012

I’ve been studying ‘the rhythm of a year’, all year.

And that, was the last business week of the year. The 3rd week in December is for tidying up loose ends, and then it’s talk to you in 2013.

Last year, I made this video, “About How a Year Really Is“:

Filmed August 2011.

Today, I’d modify the write-off times, shorten them, like this: forget getting anything done mid-July through to September 1, and starting the third week of December on.

Wonder if it’s worth it, to design your life around this, and take advantage of the waves.



Rest Time and About Time

I’m pleased to report I killed it this week. I can’t believe I fit so much in since I flew home Sunday night.  I’ve lived on the road 21/32 weeks or 65% of the year-to-date.  Think it finally caught up to me.

I’m spent.

I just laid like this all still for 20 minutes, can’t remember the last time I did that.  You can get a lot done in 20 minutes.

I’m moving like an old person, and had use a pen & paper to do some basic math.

After I hit publish, I’m done my jobs and am going to be quiet for the rest of the day, finish #SundayCleaning, start a book, do a face mask, blog and rest.  If I’m feeling adventurous, I’ll walk to get my mail.

Upcoming Posts:

– About my New Job at the Newspaper

– Taking the New Ford Escape on a Track (have a great video edited for that)

– How to Change Your Router Password and Why You Should

I can’t seem get away with what I used to: living on one meal a day eaten at 7pm, never stopping, endless energy always, I think it’s because I’m … aging.  Well not think, I know.  So are you. Oh time.

My obsession with time may seem odd, but guys: there isn’t any.

Time is your only non-renewable resource.

We’re 3/4 the way through 2012, how’d that happen. I’ll be blogging about Christmas parties before I know it.

Hang on, it’s been a while since I did this; I’m going to re-embed my time video, About Time:

Fall is coming, it’s go time, you ready?  I am. Actually, this is my best year yet for lining stuff up, and working with the rhythm that life happens at.

I also have a video about that, filmed last year exactly around this time.

The Rhythm of a Year

I hadn’t watched it since I posted it, look at that beautiful bright blonde hair ohhh I miss it. Not my Blackberry though, never once have I missed that thing.

Kay enough, let the resting commence. Go offline and outside, this is one of our last summer weekends!

TTYL and if not before, have a great Saturday night!

xo Keri



Just a Minute – How a Year Really Is

Yup! **

Didn’t we have a great summer? Weather wise and other? Doesn’t the fall feel full of potential and change? YA BUDDY.

Hair’s looking good today, eh. Lisen, junior stylist and my professional toner, tuned me up. Go to her for maintenance too: your blonde will be better.

Like my sunflowers? @ItsBrownBarbie gave them to me for my Stella party xo.

I really enjoy making Just a Minute videos, click that link to see them all.  Topics are very varied.

This one goes with the above video, it’s About Time.

** The new video, it’s kinda a bad title isn’t it. It was difficult to title. Any suggestions lmk.

Also I debated calling this post: What To Expect From Me Till September