Rest Time and About Time

I’m pleased to report I killed it this week. I can’t believe I fit so much in since I flew home Sunday night.  I’ve lived on the road 21/32 weeks or 65% of the year-to-date.  Think it finally caught up to me.

I’m spent.

I just laid like this all still for 20 minutes, can’t remember the last time I did that.  You can get a lot done in 20 minutes.

I’m moving like an old person, and had use a pen & paper to do some basic math.

After I hit publish, I’m done my jobs and am going to be quiet for the rest of the day, finish #SundayCleaning, start a book, do a face mask, blog and rest.  If I’m feeling adventurous, I’ll walk to get my mail.

Upcoming Posts:

– About my New Job at the Newspaper

– Taking the New Ford Escape on a Track (have a great video edited for that)

– How to Change Your Router Password and Why You Should

I can’t seem get away with what I used to: living on one meal a day eaten at 7pm, never stopping, endless energy always, I think it’s because I’m … aging.  Well not think, I know.  So are you. Oh time.

My obsession with time may seem odd, but guys: there isn’t any.

Time is your only non-renewable resource.

We’re 3/4 the way through 2012, how’d that happen. I’ll be blogging about Christmas parties before I know it.

Hang on, it’s been a while since I did this; I’m going to re-embed my time video, About Time:

Fall is coming, it’s go time, you ready?  I am. Actually, this is my best year yet for lining stuff up, and working with the rhythm that life happens at.

I also have a video about that, filmed last year exactly around this time.

The Rhythm of a Year

I hadn’t watched it since I posted it, look at that beautiful bright blonde hair ohhh I miss it. Not my Blackberry though, never once have I missed that thing.

Kay enough, let the resting commence. Go offline and outside, this is one of our last summer weekends!

TTYL and if not before, have a great Saturday night!

xo Keri



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