Texting with Keri #2

I’m on the right.

Planning the perfect Friday night.

Even in jest, it’s a never no way.

See the attack? By just replying to a text message, malware can be installed. Delete strange texts altogether, and never download their photos.

And if you’re on Android and haven’t updated its software, do it now – the Stagefright bug is serious.

When someone texts me their new car.

Blog tag = texting with Keri



You’ll Never Win a Contest Via Text Message

Last night I received a text, I had won a contest from Apple.  3 hours later, I won again.

This is called a “phishing attack”: an attempt to acquire personal information by pretending to be a trusted source.

How you know it’s a scam: you’re not going to the Apple Canada website, you’re going to a .biz website:

The s0fre.biz is the root of the URL, always look at the root.

For example, in the URL: http://Apple.ca.KeriBlog.com/win – KeriBlog.com would be the root.

Don’t let curiosity get the best of you, don’t click the link. There’s nothing funny waiting there, do you really need confirmation this is a scam, all it will likely lead you to is a website that looks like it’s 1997, see:

That’s as far as I’ll go, I wouldn’t visit that site and advise you not to either. Malware and viruses can be hidden in websites, just visiting the site could initiate an attack.

(Wait till I finish building my lab though, we’re going to send @SmashCanJimmy clicking on everything we can find. I put in some good work last week, it’s getting there).

Lastly, delete the texts so you don’t accidentally click the link.