It's Been Bare Bones Internet since Xmas Eve

KeriBlog’s been skeleton staff on everything since the 24th: email, documenting, the news, blog, things, and the newspaper was on a light schedule. It’s been really nice.

The best part is: the whole world is doing the same thing, so you can’t really get anything done right now anyway, which means you can really let your brain relax.

I started to miss typing this afternoon, but that’s it.  I wrote an Autonet article Friday, not again till tomorrow.

Been going on lots of drives, I’ve missed shifting so much, zoning out and enjoying the empty streets.  Doing light manual labour.  My place is spotless, ready for the new year, paperwork is almost under control, and a good purging is underway.

New Years is almost here, hours.  2013.   Wtf eh.


xo Keri


Barefoot Wine – a family-run label since 1986 in California. It’s controversial in the wine community, because they make a bottle that’s that good, for less than $10.

Here’s the latest song I’m OCDing out to – a mashup of this year’s biggest pop tunes.  Anything of mine you’ve read in the past 2 weeks, has been written to this.

Me last night.  Big Saturday night city girl here.