Remember a bit ago, when I said I’d “achieved a new level of Minimalism”… ?
This is it. Less less less.
I unlocked a new level of non-attachment.
Because if I removed that handful of documents *…
And my lanyard collection…
And fridge collection…
Tada! It’d be tough to figure out who lives here.
It gets addictive, purging. Remember that time in 2011, when I gave away all my belongings in my “Emporium”? It’s escalated ever since.
What do 2/3 of the above things have in common? Ego. Ego will get you busted you every time.
(of course my knapsack couldn’t be there, then game over. It’s my everything, as blogged)
I predict a Minimalism Trend will start soon, this spring.
I think everyone is sick of owning so much stuff, because that stuff needs a lot of care, time, maintaining, dusting, insuring, and really, never brought all the happiness it was supposed to. Less is more is coming.
Blog category = Predictions
* that ‘handful of documents‘ are things I’m behind blogging, including 6 car reviews, sorry guys; and my ‘Talking with Trustwave’ security interview series from… October; I know, sorry guys.