It's Time to Crush my Car

I spent a large chunk of last week, dealing with my car. It’s been in a friend’s extra parking space underground, in North York.

It hasn’t moved since December 30, 2011.

The electrical has been going for a long time. Half the windows don’t go down, I saw it arc once, blogged the problems before: The Studio Lives and Been Car-less for 2 Weeks Now.

Called CAA, who towed me to Canadian Tire.

It’s no longer a car, it’s now a money pit.

Came to terms with it Wednesday night.

Here’s an email I sent a friend, sums it up well.

(click to enlarge)

This is the 10th car I’ve said goodbye to; it’s not that.

I sat inside, got chocked up.

Because look, so beautiful.

I’m not attached to much material stuff (remember when I gave away all my belongs last year), but this is making me sad.

I invented my show in here, “The Canadian Explorer”:
driving around celebrating Canada, my studio is my caaar

Here’s the theme song I wrote, sums it all up in 0:18.

3 years, 80 episodes, 1,000 good stories, and the best internet training ever – that’s where the attachment is coming from.

Oh well, back to the bottom line in my above email.

Stay tuned for a good crushing video.



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