An Animal is Living Under my House

Today was one of those days. Started at 2am when I realized there’s a animal living under my house. Beneath my living room, and loud too, like it’s having a party. It’s probably a racoon or … skunk.

Guess it’s lucky I slept on the couch eh, at least I know now.

Found where I think it’s getting in, and monitored the hole while I worked. Kind’ve pointless really, like what, I hope it emerges, stretches in the sunlight then takes a stroll, leaving me to plug the hole?

I’m just very worried, because what’s the worst case scenario:

it’s a skunk > I startle it > it sprays > house is now inhabitable

What’s the solution to avoid that? I’m Googling, calling animal control places, mass texting the same message, just freaking for advice.

One text said to build a trap door huh…

Then I start getting messages about an entirely different problem.

Seeing your blog is down feels like a sucker punch to the face, then all air leaves your lungs.

Do what I can, go back to the other problem.

One animal control receptionist’s honesty was the best advice of the day, “there is no clear answer to your skunk question, and there’s a chance it’ll just leave.

But basically, all the crew is going to do is scare it away, for $300.”

Okay then.

Where the sound is coming from, and the entry to the space, are the two furthest points of course.

If ever I’m in a conversation with someone about being new homeowners, and you see a look flash across my face, when someone with a condo compares our circumstances?

That look is this post.

I didn’t startle anything thankfully. Heard no evidence of an animal, it must’ve taken that stroll.

But there IS something living down there… that bio-evidence wasn’t there during the renovation 3 months ago.

My plan is – tomorrow I’ll put garbage bags over my outfit, crawl through the evidence to the other side, find its entry point, and seal it from both sides.

So we can get back to the far more fun topic of cars.

Sorry for the lack of them today.

(2016 Jeep Wrangler)

Blog tag = house


UPDATE – Sunday Dec. 6

Went under, crawled all the way in. Once I confirmed it wasn’t there I was fine, but until then, so scared. It’s SO dusty, I ended up in a bed of pink insulation, no wonder it likes here.

Found the entry point. Plugged it with cinderblocks. Will check on it next weekend, make sure it’s holding.

I’m pretty worried, neighbours estimate it’s 90% a skunk. Please keep your fingers crossed it does not spray, and I win this gross battle.