Nice to Meet You, RightSleeve

We met Thursday night at your party where you’d also invited a bunch of my old Twitter friends AND gave me an umbrella as tall as I am, thank you!

Internet – RIGHTSLEEVE is “a promotional design agency”, the print your name on things. I pawed all their stuff, and you can feel good about trusting them to put your name on somthing; their level of quality will match yours.

I’d love to have KeriBlog everything. Specifically any of these car items, this toaster using my CDN Explorer logo, or a plain black hat with written in tiny letters subtlety. Everyone would want one of those.

I know you know these two!  Casie Stewart and Shawn Hawaii, who were continuing their ongoing hipster joke that they have a baby named Triangle ahahaha, that’s funny.

Bahaha, ya I did:

That’s Phil, Ben and RIGHTSLEEVE owner Mark doing the punching.

Always good seeing you Ben!  Dude – remember when you tasked me with writing 100 words on IPs, when I was training in writing 100 words, before I went to the Olympics and wrote 100 words daily for Vancouver 24 hours?

I just did, click here to read it.

I love when people pick me up when they hug me, Rannie did too outside, did you ever see that episode we did together? Hang on…. tada!

Exploring Canadian Blogging

I have a thing for this place, the RC Harris Water Treatment Plant.

Go if you can, it’s looks just like the video game Myst.

(photo by Rannie)

Rannie Blew Me Up

Rannie aka PhotoJunkie put together an exhibition 140 Characters… asked a bunch of us around Toronto to sum ourselves up in 140 characters, photographed us and then threw a great party to celebrate it all.

My 140-character bio:

Sometimes out-of-hand, protective of my imagination, love Canada so much. The trick to a fun life is to quit TV and say yes to everything.

He blew me up into a poster, neat eh, it’s a static cling one you can peel&stick over and over anywhere.  I get to keep it!  And dude, way to position me right beside the door… my spy skills precede me ;)

I think it could be funny for one minute if I put it on the left side of my car and drove around.  Or my other idea was to put it up on a wall, any wall somewhere busy, and stand in front of it like I’m my own mobile meet&greet stand for I’m-not-sure-yet.

Remember when Rannie starred in a Canadian Explorer Episode?