First Post from my iPhone

This is where I type out the post.

Let’s bold these three words. Easy.

What of I use quote?

Ahhh I put the text in here. Then I’ll keep typing to make this nice and long as to really see how a quote is displayed.

What will this do? Strike through im guessing

This one will be italic obviously

Wait there’s more?! Oh wow this WordPress app is amazing.

We’ve got underline, list, ordered list and a more tag, nice nice.

Let’s add a link. I’ll link up this. Phft easy.

Tags, categories, it’s all right here.

Kay that’s all that, now let’s add two photos, one I take now and one from my existing ones…


Oh this is amazing! Just add the text in between like this.

I have feeling that second pic will be far too large, let’s publish and see.

What a pleasure that was. I feel like I was living in olden times on my blackberry



What the app looks like.
