In Design, Millimetres Matter

I chatted with Ford & Lincoln’s head designer Moray Callum, the gentleman who basically gives Ford its face.

We laughed lots, I say it’s great he’s bringing hard buttons back, turns out being an auto designer is a rather morbid joband I asked what one thing makes him the most nuts.

Read it online at Autonet.

Favourite line:

5th paragraph – Moray’s metaphor on why millimetres matter – imagine altering a face in Photoshop, 8mm here and 6mm there and woah, a totally different face is looking back at you.

Second favourite: 

Moray: You still have to design for the idiot that doesn’t wear a seat belt.

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Spent the Day at Ford’s Headquarters in Dearborn

Got to paw their new Sync infotainment system, which is happily far better than the current one (this one is QNX based.)

Also got to try a virtual reality helmet, very cool. So real looking. Dedicated posts about each coming soon.

Just back from the annual Ford media party, which was good fun (plus I won the race car game, tada.)

Best line of the trip comes from Francis… “You’re like the Grumpy Cat of journalism” (because of my resting-serious-face, see here)

I have 3 deadlines tomorrow for the paper, and my flight has been cancelled tomorrow because apparently we got so much snow at home? So cutting this short and will leave you with a wish for a good Thursday night, best night of the week.





Ford Brings Back the Hard Buttons!

Found on the new 2016 Ford Explorer.  It’s replacing a touch-based console.

This photo was taken during the SUV’s advance-reveal at the LA Auto Show.  When the announcement was made, the room cheered.

Welcome Back, Buttons and nice one, Ford.


Why I don’t like touch consoles:  

Ideally these buttons can be used while your eyes remain on the road… so where’s the logic in using touch, a non-tactile interface which requires more looking? Haptic just makes it worse.



Day 2 in LA Done

The days go fast here guys. Up and at ’em early, then to the Connected Car Expo straight to the car hacking talk, obvs.

Blog tag = auto security

It was a half-hour panel I’m pleased to report I kept up with. A lot of because it wasn’t very technical, to be clear.

Then to the 2016 Ford Explorer pre-reveal, which I can’t show you, because of the embargo.

It looks good though, and my article and photo gallery will be live on Autonet tomorrow if you’re interested.

Haha, look how my head is lined up over that guy.

Included this in the photo gallery for the paper, because I am a professional.

Spent all afternoon writing. Here’s what LA looks like for me.

These press trips are gruelling. Not complaining, I understand how fortunate I am, and that it looks glamourous from the outside, but it’s mostly a lot of time by myself at a hotel desk.

Made it to dinner almost on time, and then snuck away from the festivities as usual, and now I’m back at the above desk typing this to you.

But all my writing is now done though, so tomorrow all I have to do is take photos of about 8 new cars and batch upload them to the paper.

Plus document my favourites for here, which is good since come on: I’m at an auto show, there should be more photos of cars here no?

Night TTYT