It’s a Silent Saturday

Same as last night.  I’ll start talking again tomorrow. Need alone, imagination time. There’s a good chance I’m more accustomed to spending time alone than you.

Decompressing from an action-filled week, especially Thursday. I killed it harder than I have in a long time on Thursday. Made for a great setup for the best night of the week.

A huge highlight was being invited to Google.

Whole post coming soon, learned a lot about how people shop for a car.

It was a great day at work, and later my Viddy video account crested 400 followers, not bad given my following number ha.

There’s probably some videos you’ve not seen, because I’ve not yet blogged them here.

Still evolving my look.

Mostly I just bought dress pants.

My desk at the end of the week AKA what it took to accomplish everything (pretty minimal eh)

Picked up this week’s flowers.

If ever you need to calm me down, give me flowers to arrange, or a collage to make; so soothing.

My back is still out, but improving. My mind has returned to 85% normal functioning.  Usually I’d say 100%, but really trying to stay committed to testing out this new, slower way.

So today looks mostly like this.  Jogging pants, couch and Workaholics.

Holy crap that show makes me burst out laughing. Click the above link to watch all episodes.

About to make my big day outing to the dollar store, then going back to blog polishing and quiet. TTY, have a good Saturday night.


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