Home, then I Wasn't, Now I Am For Real

11 days in Vegas is a long time woah.

Returned to Toronto Sunday night to a good friend in the emergency room, so Monday morning I drove to them.  Which landed me here.

Ahhh.  That accidentally worked out well.  And my pal pulled through xo

I’ll do a dedicated Vegas post, which will probably be the most un-Vegas post ever ugh; I do not like that place.

The conferences were fantastic though. I learned a lot, and have some great stuff to share.  Tons of videos, too.

I wasn’t able to get online though, it was the most hostile network in the world.  I’ll do a post why.

mmm what else… been polishing my Ford Mustang review, it prints next week; today’s column was clinical and so-so; my news on Monday was one of my better headlines in a while, “Drive the Porsche the Internet Built” ha.  Remember that job offer I had to decide on?  Said no.  Oh, and the auto-body franchise CARSTAR kicked off a national campaign today, and I was hired to do the internet part; video and blog post coming tomorrow.

I’m driving my Jetta this week, and have a hankering to test the new Kia Optima; maybe a mini-van; and a Jaguar.

Been a big week already, and it’s only Wednesday.  Couple big projects look like they’re going to happen; last Thursday I got an 99%-confirmation email; and this afternoon there was a handshake at the end of a meeting.  I’ll tell you soon as I can.  Not trying to be mysterious, it’s that I’ve learned the hard way around here:

Never breathe a word, until you can link to it.

Doing laundry for the first time in 2 weeks, have two more paper deadlines due, and then I’ll update massively here.  I should go eat today, eh.  McDonalds, yes, nodding at screen, off I go TTYS

PS – new moon tonight.


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