Quick Update

I’m all settled into my new home, look: all white and minimal, just the way I love it.

First thing I did upon arrival was remove the stuff on the walls and slide it under the bed.

I’m at that in-between computer switchover phase, you know the one, stuff on both. Ahhhh the Air, it feels almost like, too nice for me. I probably love the Air more than you do.

In my new neighbourhood there’s old architecture like this, and trees.  Where I came from there was neither, and it’s nice.

Here’s Casie, Breanna and I this week doing Dance Heads to that big butts song, click here to watch the video.   I couldn’t figure out how to embed here from Facebook sorry.  Thanks for a fun night, High Road!

Recent outfits.

The biggest Happy Birthday to my little brother!!

I adore you and am so proud of you! XO

He’s the one making me laugh so hard in this video.

Found this while packing.

I’m off to a party, TTYT!

Here’s to a great Sunday long weekend night, and an early Happy Thankstaking to you!



Nuit Blanche is Tonight

Love Nuit Blanche: 24 hours downtown Toronto is covered in crazy art and everyone walks around wide-eyed and happy.

Here’s the Canadian Explorer episode, Exploring Nuit Blanche, filmed in 2009. Twitter was new back then, and Mayor Miller and I were on that early train. That’s him direct messaging me there at the end, neat eh.

Exploring Nuit Blanche from KeriCDN on Vimeo.

Have a great time out there tonight, if you see me yell hi!

Sorry there's nothing new here

I’ve been fighting with uploading audio files to my blog, and I have to move by the end of the month, which is taking over a lot of my time.

Now I have to run out the door shortly to a few meetings, will update soon, on it!

Thanks for understanding

xo Keri