Like, doesn’t Florence, Ohio now seem like a neighbourly, welcoming place to get a piece of pie?
Claiming ownership of this expression, it now belongs to me, forever, throughout the universe, into perpetuity.
© KeriBlog 2014
Tagged a Keri Owned Phrase
These items were sacred to someone. Seems wrong, all casually for sale at a flea market.
That’s why I silently roll my eyes, when someone waves a challenge coin around.
This new year has kicked off with a bang. Already by the 10th, there were 3 big planetary events guys. Definitely enough to merit a blog post.
(if we’re just meeting – for all my love of logic, I track the planets)
January 1st was a full moon
January 3rd was a meteor shower, the Quadrantids – 1 of the 3 richest showers of the year.
January 9th, a Thursday Night, was the largest display of the Northern Lights in a very long time. Mega Northern Lights, visible all across of Canada.
Apparently, the solar flare was so large and created such electrical disruption, that flights were re-routed away from the pole, GPS’ wouldn’t work.
Our former Defence Minister went on TV stating that aliens exist, and walk among us – National Post
Looks like 2014 is shaping up to be good and weird.
Chinese New Year is the last day of this month, the 31st. Here’s how to prepare for that.