Watch Canadians Lose Their Minds

Blogging my hat yesterday made me daydream about wandering around the Olympics in it.

This is when we won the Gold in Hockey, our 16th Gold, more than any other country EVER.


I was making videos for Sun Media, writing for Vancouver 24 Hours newspaper, running around looking good because Canada Goose kitted me out… Van2010 was the best.

This was my final article.

I love how this was known around the wolrd as “The Party Olympics”.

Simultaneously, we set the record for the most gold medals ever won at a Winter Olympics.  Sums us up pretty well, eh?

This was our coming out party, Canada!

It’s important to keep this patriotic momentum going; we’ve been humble for long enough about being the best country in the wold.

You know those times when you got goosebumps during the Games, or when your eyes welled up?  When you were holding your breath and forgetting to blink while you willed us to victory?

That feeling, that’s the one that needs to be celebrated and screamed a little louder.

I don’t want to leave here.  I want to live in this bubble forever.

Thank you Vancouver, for showing me the time of my life.

See you soon.
I’m so coming back.



(sidenote: kay woah – I don’t know where all my Olympic blog photos went, my heart is beating fast now, but pretty sure they’re around here somewhere… when that site got ported over to WordPress from SquareSpace it wasn’t easy. Sorry I’ll get to cleaning it up).


There’s much more I could tell you about this episode, but soon soon, because…

COMING SOON: The Canadian Explorer: Director’s Cuts

Here’s a good post I did here on KeriBlog about the Olympics last summer.


A Christmas Lawsuit Story

In 1981 the Eaton Centre tied red bows on the geese while decorating.

The artist freaked out, said they were ruining the design, take them off.

The Eaton Centre said, “we paid you, now we own them, no”.

They argued and fought and took it to a judge, who sided with the artist.

And forever more the Canadian Copyright Law was changed: you can’t fuss with the art even after you buy it.  

This case is widely used today as an example: Snow VS The Eaton Centre.  Here’s the Wikipedia page.

Note the Canadian spelling of ‘centre’.




Cut Through the Mall to See the Tree


In late November and December, whenever possible, I cut through the Eaton Centre to walk past the Swarovski tree.

It’s 7 stories tall, covered in crystals, and it spins.

The bows and red balls are new this year.  I’m curious to know the reaction, usually it’s only crystals. Being a minimalist, I like the latter.

I also like their sunglasses, which I didn’t even know that they make sunglasses, learned that a few weeks ago at an event.

Oh hi hi.

(I dedicate this gif to Allison )

At that same event I met Christine in real life… in 2009 we’d both entered a contest to win a trip to the Olympics.

At that time, she was a student and I was ‘The Canadian Explorer’.  Then out of school and tada, she’s working for a top PR firm, nicely done missy!!

The Contest: they were looking for mobile explorers (I know come ON), so you had to create an original video showcasing your blogging and social media skills, and the 5 entries with the most votes were sent to cover Vancouver 2010.

This was my entry.

Remember when we all had Olympic fever?  The excitement and camaraderie and patriotism?  Awesome.

And remember when Canada threw ‘The Party Olympics’ while SIMULTANEOUSLY winning more Gold medals in the history of all time?





PS – I won the contest, here’s the proof, and yet I didn’t.  That day, I declared contests dead to me.





I'm Leaving Canada!!!



I don’t like winter, so I’m not going to see it this year; I’m off to the South-Eastern United States.

The timing is correct, and if not now, when?

I’m no longer ‘The Canadian Explorer’ so no such blog obligations, I gave away all my possessions two months ago, my car is fixed and I’m mobile again, so my trunk and I are outta here. And you’re coming along!

Details to come… but wanted to declare and make it official on this very sunny Sunday, which I hope is a good one for you.