Now _This_ is a Tinted Window

Any car looks so much sharper when the windows are practically black.

I purposefully kept these pictures vague – not trying to sink the owner here – because is this ever illegal, but really so beautiful.



Happy Canada Day!

Lucky us to live in the best country in the world!

So celebrate big today, and take good care of Canada all year.

Remember when I was “The Canadian Explorer“?  I used to get so nervous about today, like how Santa probably feels on Xmas – you better produce.

3 years, 80 episodes and 000s of blog posts celebrating the best country because I feel it doesn’t get celebrated enough.

Here’s the intro to the show, circa 2007.

And here’s the

Good luck finding anything, I can’t and I own the thing.

But if you’re willing to dig, there’s a ton of gold, and the videos use an editing style that’s only now coming into vogue.

You’ll learn lots of facts, like how our national crest contains a unicorn.

I can spout stuff like that for days.

Or if you’ll really feeling to love Canada today, FF to 0:51 and reaffirm your Oath of Citizenship.

Have a great night tonight, hope you have fireworks!