The Calm Before the Storm

I didn’t just build this beautiful new home online without a serious plan and amount of ambition behind it, wink.

It was a big undertaking and took the help of two others in two other countries to make what you see there. It’s still unpolished, but the big important and backend things are finished.

Like, when I alert the guys their interviews are live, it’s all eyes-on, so I’ve been preparing.

Those guys I met at Defcon, the online security conference I attended in Vegas, are some of the world’s best hackers, the rock stars of the industry. So ya.

Almost compeltely on my Mac Air now… I’ve had to learn new editing software, video about that drafted.

This no-car thing is really getting to me. I figured out why a couple days ago when I was on the roof of my building. That’s for another post. I have many posts drafted here.

10 videos, filmed, designed and ready to be edited. Another post.

Off to the HighRoad Christmas party tonight! They’re this great top Canadian PR company I met through Canada Goose years ago. A few weeks ago they threw an event for bloggers, invited us to their office, fed us, then…. asked our opionon. It was amazing. That rarely happens.

Later after the party I’ve got work to do for my cycling team, because you bet I’ve re-instated myself as President for a fourth year, whereupon I will continue to rule with my little iron fist.

Kay I’ve gotta hop in a cab, TTYL

xo Keri

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