Come ON #NewScarf #TrackDay

The checkered flag pattern is tough to find, both online and in real life. It’s odd enough that it’s on my “potential KOD column topics” list.

(think I’ve blogged about it before, hang on…. yup, here: the 2012 Honda Indy)

“Putting On & Taking Off my Scarf” from January 2011.

Been wearing them since high school.



My Most Popular KeriBlog Video (so far)

While this is super great, imagine how many hours went into say, Exploring the CDN Navy.

This was the first take, therefore this video took mmmmm 20 minutes to upload time.

There’s probably a lesson here, for you or me, I don’t know which.


I received an email saying I was wrong about the above, and turns out I am!  My Watch a Ford Focus Park Itself video has 12,500 views.