OOK Incorporated – a Publishing Company
Blog tag = OOK
OOK —–> pronounced “oh oh kay”, spelled in all capitals, it’s an acronym for…
Order Of Keri.
I know.
Meet Martin, my business lawyer. We’ve been a team since 2007.
We meet regularly, he shakes his head at my stories of prospecting-for-money-through-blogging, reminds me good partnering practices, and is awesomely old-school.
Ross Rumbell Professional Corporation
I take the legal side to what I’m doing here seriously. All my music is royalty-free, I’m sensitive to if people are okay with being put online (see Exploring a Hell Hole for example), and do you ever see photos of children around here? It’s a foundation, why build it any other way than super strong.
My company, OOK Incorporated, is 3 today!
I bootstrap the crap out of it; it’s the only way I think. Throwing money at something seldom makes it better, necessity is the mother and all that. That’s why I’m always wary when someone hands me a business card but has no elevator pitch … that’s $30 you could have left in the bank, earning interest, la la la.
OOK’s first financial transaction was writing a cheque to charity, because one of my favourite sayings is, “start as you mean to go on”. The sun came out strong the exact second I typed that.
The goal is a third / third / third…. that’s taxes / me / charity… to divide up earnings.
Anyway, I’m rambling becasue I’m like a proud parent here, and I’ll leave you with this…
OOK —–> oh oh kay, all capitals, it’s an acronym for … wait for it …
Order Of Keri.
I know.
Cartoon Me by Sean Ward