More Road Etiquette, Please

I set out to investigate a trend of ticketing slow left lane drivers, but the story morphed into one about the road manners.

Or as Officer Stibbe corrects me, “no Keri, it’s about lack thereof.

Read it online at Autonet.

Favourite line:

Last 3 paragraphs, Stibbe’s one-liner, I burst out laughing.


You’ve met Officer Stibbe before, in the column – So you Got Pulled Over for Speeding

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Ever Checked your Spare Tire?

In the back of your mind is your spare tire, “oh it’ll protect me.” But when did you last check its condition?

In the 7 years I owned my old Jetta, it never occurred to me once. We’re making a mistake.

Check 3 things on your spare –

  1. age
  2. inflation
  3. tread wear

Read it online at Autonet.

Favourite line

Pull two other people into your field of vision. Of the three of you, one will get a flat tire this year.


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I Texted while Driving

State Farm hosted a distracted-driving event – get behind the wheel of an Acura ILX and go around an autocross track while they bark instructions at you from a radio. I was alarmingly good at it.

Jokes aside, distracted driving is the new drinking & driving – don’t do it, me first.

It’s not the manual dexterity that makes distracted driving dangerous, it’s the required mind shift.

Read it online at Autonet.

Favourite line:

A car moving at 60 km/h will travel 16 meters – or 5 car lengths – in one second. Can you read a text in one second? No chance. 


About the Acura ILX – here

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About Sound Systems in Cars

Speaking with an audio expert if it’s worth it to buy the audio system upgrade, how a siren will pierce through the cabin filled with music, can your ears really bleed, and the dumbest thing someone’s asked him to install.

Read it online at Autonet.

Favourite line

A siren’s frequency, around 2,000 hertz (Hz), is what pierces through my music, ensuring it is heard.

For a barometer of how loud stuff is, click here.


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There is No Fire Suppression System in a Car

I thought when your car lights ablaze the vehicle’s built-in automatic fire suppression system kicks on and saves you but was I ever wrong, because there isn’t one.

Read it online at Autonet.

Favourite line:

A car lighting on fire is a rare event, but a smoking engine is more common. Check the colour of the smoke – white is water, black is rubber, and blue is oil. White is the colour you’re hoping for – steam – as it’s the least damaging and dangerous.

If your car lights on fire:

Don’t open the hood, and never open the coolant cap – hot liquid will shoot out and burn your face off.


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