First Time I’ve Ever Used an Emoji

Best interpretation I received:

The most obvious message I got from that is that “It’s ok to talk to the hand, carrying flowers while walking with a donut to catch the bus.. you would like to have target practice with floppy disks while reading charts and graphs under lock and key for the Department of Defense.” – John Knox

The actual meaning is less colourful – I scrolled through all possibles, chose my favourites along the way, then hit post.

Know what though? And filing this under predictions:

Prediction: our method of communicating is coming full circle, and we’ll soon be back to hieroglyphics.




My contact screen in Casie’s phone. I’ve never been an emoji before, I am looking good.

Actually, I’ve never used an emoji before, ever.

I type a :) about 3x/week, and that’s as far as it goes.


(see also: when I call my friend, this is their screen)