Friday Night Catchup Hi Hi

Sorry for missing the last update here.

It was a lot of in-real-life stuff this week, the stuff that keeps the online part going (except email, so much email).  It’s a tough balance sometimes, between – making the life happen, and blogging about it.  I’m at the point where I’m genuinely ready for an assistant.  But I don’t yet make enough to pay someone, and I don’t like free, so sigh.

There’s so much to do here at KeriBlog,   Like, the 2 most basic funtions of a website, search and comments, don’t work here.  How bad is that, SO bad. This entire site needs to be rebuilt, I don’t know how to find the time, do I shut it down for a week and do it?  My stomach physically hurts sometimes about it #That’sBlogging.  I have the theme picked out, and a skeleton built, but porting it over is serious and ugh kay I’m done, thanks.

Now I’ll embed a bunch of photos from this week, no time to format.  I’ll catch you up this weekend, I have two articles to finish first.

Have a great Friday night!

xo Keri


PS – this is my latest ” OCDing Out To” song.  Anything I’ve written in the past week, has been to this on repeat.