Not that Silk Road, that's Why it's Funny

Because “Silk Road” is a black marketplace – buy items I wouldn’t want to be in Google for, using bitcoin (BTC) currency, and located on the Deep Web.

So ya, they’re not handing out these sticky-note ad specs.

I got this at a conference, and when I explained to the guy why I started laughing when he handed it to me, he was not as amused.

Be careful if you go searching. The above link leads to Wikipedia, and that’s as far as I’ll go; I’d never let this computer touch that place.

Click that ‘deep web‘ link though, that’s neat.


Best 'Image of the Internet' I Ever Saw


Facebook & Twitter, the websites you visit, they’re floating at the top like Google.

Were you surprised at how large the Deep Web is?

It’s also know as: the Invisible Web, the Hidden web, the Deepnet, or the Undernet.

You’ll likely never visit there. The majority is publicly accessible, but not using your browser.

Surfing the Deep Web looks like this.

(NOTE: that’s just some Linux, not the actual Deep Web. Just wanted to give you a graphical example of how cruising the Deep Web is non-graphical)

Remember when that ‘User Based Billing’ incident happened in February ’11? And I made that rant-y video? Fast forward to 0:37, I’m talking about the Deep Web there.

Deep Web on Wikipedia

In my sidebar is another “internet in an image” image, it’s black.