Hi From Ottawa, I’m Helping My Brother Move

Proud of the kid, he’s off to conquer the radio broadcasting world in another province. He will, too.

It amazes me you can rent all of the above, without ever proving you can drive it.

That’s not a shot at my brother, he’s excellent with cars and actually, if you live in Ottawa and talk cars online you probably know him.

Once I made a welcome post for RedLiners.ca, during my Exploring a Race Car episode. Which features zero footage of me actually driving the thing, even though I super did; it was not my fault.

However, it remains as maybe my best video screenshot ever, behold.

While in Ottawa he took me to Kenny’s, this nicely organized junkyard where I got little things, like a new hazard light and window button.

You sign a waiver, go in, tear what you want off, pay on the way out.

See the price of the key fobs? That’s like, $200 minimum at the dealership. That’s the trick.

This sums up how awesome my brother is… despite having so much to do, he insisted on going over my car.

I’m laughing too hard here.

My brother can make me laugh harder than almost anyone.

Here’s one of my favourite videos ever, talking to him on the phone one night…

Congratulations on the new job, Pete, it’s gonna be great and I love you!! xo Keri