Why is Time Moving so Quickly in 2015?

No dramatics, it really does feel faster, no? This year is 1/3 over, already.

Like, as IF I took the above photo over 48 hours ago (happy spring from my neighbour and I.)

As IF I haven’t updated here in 5 days?! I haven’t even flown anywhere, how did those 5 days disappear like that? Sorry!

It’s Tuesday, so I’m writing the news, have a review due on Friday so that too, did you know my newspaper was purchased by another newspaper yesterday, and also yesterday was Car Swap day so daylight hours were eaten up doing that.

Along with working on the mobile version of my blog, as per Google’s upcoming algorithm change, which I am not at all happy about. Wait till you see how bad the mobile version looks, will blog the ugliness later.

kk back to the news, TTYL, isn’t it so nice out? Dress-and-cute-shoe weather, finally!

xo Keri



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