TTY in October

Hi hi

All is well, just overwhelmed. For so long I dreamed of this new blog design, and then when it arrived last week, it made me freeze up. Silly eh. It’s like my computer wouldn’t even go to my blog login page I’m so frozen.

When I look at it, I don’t see how great that I comments are back, that the search works and all looks better on a mobile site. All I see is the 20+ hours of laser-beam focus it needs to finish it. And it’s daunting, okay mega-daunting, to be real honest. Just the sidebar alone is sitting still for 7 hours, which is fine, making the sidebar is fun (and the essence of a blog, really), but…

…but to do that, when I have deadlines and production stuff and car swapping and and and, to be re-sizing 250×250 images in the middle of the day, can’t. Plus like, have you ever seen my LinkedIn? YouTube homepage? World’s worst, not even being dramatic. There’s so much to be done, again it’s fine, just making me feel gah. I’ve barely even docuented this last week, which is very very unlike me .

Woke up today like no, I need a minute without my blog sitting over my shoulder for a sec. So doing that for a quick week, hence the headline.

I have three articles for the paper to finish this week, including my Q50 review (short answer – liked it more than I thought I would, Infiniti did a good job). I’m in Cincinnati next week for a Buick launch, and then we’re going to watch world-drifting champion Ken Block fly around in his Fiesta. Plus a Google party if I can make it; hopefully; they might have Google Glass there I can try.

Until then, I’ll be here auto-writing and polishing my blog and social media profiles, and as always, updates via Twitter.

Thanks for always checking in, xo

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