Today Felt Fast Forward & I Filmed

Up early pounding the keyboard, cleared next week’s column (About hiring a car during the holidays), and made a collage for this week’s (The 6 levels of Features).

Then I filmed a video, “A Quick Tour of my Car”… but with a cameraman (my editing guy).

I have cameraman anxiety, like, sure I have 300+ videos online… that I filmed all alone.

Having other people around throws me off my system, I tanked it a couple times over the fall with Motoring TV.

So to ease into it, I made the video topic something I’ve done hundreds of times.. get in my Jetta and drive to Cherry Beach.

Same old car, same old route I’ve taken to make 15+ videos there.

Yup I know, jogging pants and ponytail, but, deadlines trump hair & makeup.

Then off the footage went, and next time I see it, it will have taken the shape of a rough edit, without me ever opening Final Cut. I guess the happy feeling that creates, is the trade off for the cameraman anxiety.

Today flew by fast eh. Then I cooked dinner, but forgot to take photo proof (macaroni & cheese).

And donated to Wikipedia.  Never been a fan of free #KeepItFree

Tomorrow, I have a lot of auto writing due, plus a meeting that’ll eat the afternoon, and it’s Car Swap Day (Ford Fiesta), and taxes UGH (I don’t mind paying the taxes, it’s the doing them I don’t like, so boring).

See you online.



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