In Michigan with Ford for their Trend Conference

Flew down this morning, out of Terminal 1 Gate F93, you know the one, the hottest gate ever, in a far far away land.

O the world’s smallest plane – 18 seater.

On which I wrote the news #professional

I’m here till Thursday night, Ford invited my blog to attend their 2014 Trends Conference.

As someone with an entire blog section devoted to Predictions, is this ever up my alley.

Plus stuff like this.

And tomorrow’s keynote speaker is Ms. Sheryl Connelly, who I interviewed back in February for a Keri on Driving column – Ford’s Newest Exclusive feature: it’s Futurist (read it on Autonet).

Before arriving, attendees were asked to rate our level of interest in a variety of topics.

Obviously I chose first big data and the connected car first, and sustainability and anything fuel economy- related last. Remember when I drove Ford’s new 1.0 L “like a pig”?

And apparently there will be track time!

View from my room.

And hi hi from inside it, just got home from the event, and have to be downstairs for 7am so night TTYT



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