My Brain Broke

Really. My mind melted.

My mind is so mush I barely recognize it.
Right now I’d be better suited to assembly line work.

I’m making easy mistakes, re-do Tweets… this is a bad mindset to be posting things online, like when you’re smashed.

I’m heatlhy enough, not in danger, what happened is6 years of not stopping, and having bad life balance, caught up with me.

The irony is, everything couldn’t be better.

All’s well at work, and my news articles are rather popular, been travelling a ton, I just celebrated my 1 year anniversary of being an auto-journalist, and my blog is getting invited to more and better.

Had I updated here, you’d know about the 2 trips south, 15  car reviews and 4 driving videos, my last 12 ‘Keri on Driving’ columns, a ton of security tips and a fun interview, what Canadian Tire predicts will the Christmas trends, my car breaking, more.

And some excellent outfits; I’ve been evolving my look.

But between producing this life, and then living it, then newspaper deadlines before blog always, and now it’s 11pm, omg this pace. Plus I just got a 3rd job.  

I tried to take a week off, and hated asking for it (made it 57 weeks in a row of columns), but ended up in Kentucky with Buick (their Regal is cool, serious), traveled to 3 cities in Ontario plus a bunch of events.

One of which I got to drive with Ken Block and his Ford Fiesta (non-car nerds: that is like winning the drifting lottery).

But even that. The GoPro messed up, and I lost the footage. Imagine writing that email to Ford the next day, after they’d gone out of their way to make it happen.

Wait. Then tell the TV show you’re doing tests with, and who is expecting the footage, that it’s gone.  Everyone was kind about it, but not the point.

Can’t catch a break. It’s like that one  after the other. Had a low-grade fever for weeks. And apparently I’m not hiding it as well as I think; ran into an old friend who went gah your lifeless eyes. They are; they’re  worn out, and not filming my best asset like that.

And this security stuff I blog is heavy right, and not without consequence. I returned from the security conference in Vegas with an infected laptop, and some more stalkers, sophisticated ones. And it’s just me eh, I don’t have this secret team backing me up.  I hope you’re paying attention; change your email password.

About my new site design – when I look at it, instead of being so happy, I’m absolutely deflated, because all I see is the 20 hours of polish it needs to be properly finished, and where am I going to find 20 hours….

And all this has culminated in an almost physical-allergic-reaction to electronics. I’ve barely documented the last few weeks, taken 100 photos to my usual 800.

Know why hardly anyone makes money off their blog? Because it’s practically impossible, hat tip to those who do.

I know I will be one, it’s just talking a couple years longer than I thought. Since 2007 here remember, that’s a long time to keep that entrepreneur-almost-blind-belief-spirits up. And while I usually like chewing through concrete, need a breather.  That’s the one benefit to not yet having monthly advertisers here.

And like, look what I blog about, my stuff has substance: you (hopefully) learn something and have a laugh… so imagine how it feels getting beat by ‘Dance Mom’.

And all I do is work, where does the time for fun get fit in? The important offline time? Daydreaming time? Without that I start to lose it, because that’s where all of this comes from. I should be exercising, and learning to make food. It’s all so unbalanced.

This should not be this tough. There’s got to be a way to execute all this, then more.

I’m doing something wrong.
And until I figure it out and fix it, there’s no point.

So till then, it’s a continued skeleton staff
updating Twitter, Facebook, and my Instagram.

Leave it with me, back soon enough. I expect to bounce back in a couple weeks, return to loving to blog, document and publishing, especially video.

Plus I heal like Wolverine don’t even worry.

Thanks for always checking in.

With love,

It’s the calm before the storm eh. I can feel a big a dose of “careful what you wish for”, is right around the corner here.

The trick is to be ready, because imagine traffic came hurtling at me, one post became that one thing that turned it all around. And if I can’t sustain things after the spike, then game over, you don’t get two of those chances. Right now I’d tank it. Worst feeling ever.

Ok know what else? 

I think I also have to accept, that there is an actual human on the other end of this… (like, these posts just don’t go into the ether, then cars appear).  Therefore, this is a relationship, and it needs better time management and attention.

Well for never writing these kind of posts, that’s 850 words woah.
But because of the above revelation, felt I owed it

Emo post OUT


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