Blog Break till Tuesday

I have a lot going on with my other jobs right now (next week’s column – Elderly Drivers).  There’s About pages to write, YouTube channels to organize, and to complete construction of Project Mega Spreadsheet.

Then last Thursday, a fight with a fever broke out, Tuesday morning it won, that was the last time I’ve tasted or smelled anything. I rarely get sick, but when I do, it’s legendary how bad it gets. Here’s to it not being like this time.

I pick up my car tomorrow!  I decided to re-invest in my Jetta, instead of buying another new (used) car. Pumped.

Mmm, what else… nope that’s all I got. It’s 12am, putting Vicks on my neck now, wrap a sock around it I’m done.

Twitter, Facebook & Instagram still, and  TTY here Tuesday, have a great weekend XO

fever blanket animated

blanket sick



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