Beast Mode All Day

Auto. Writing. Machine. Love the beast mode feeling.

And after I hit publish that’s it for work till Monday. Look at me learning to have a more balanced life.

Now look how Canadian I look.

Look so Canadian

All I want to do this weekend is manual labour, really.

I like it because it’s so opposite of what I do… scrub sweep polish, see results instantly. Because you could blog yourself into oblivion.

Measure 10 times, buy 1 time.

And I’m going to mess around with this, it’s an OBDII port reader.

And take the Chrysler 200 for a destination-less drive.

Like this.

First flowers of the new house! This week’s flowers.

Thank you K xo, and for driving so far too.

But right now, I’m going to drink beers with the boys. I’ll toast you.

Have a great weekend, TTY Monday.



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