Apple’s CarPlay is Bundled with iOS 9

CarPlay – the software that allows an iPhone to talk with a car’s dash screen. It arrived in the latest update, iOS 9.

Go: Settings > General > CarPlay

And on the car side, it’s starting to arrive pre-installed in 2016 model year vehicles.

Be mindful when connecting your car to a mobile… ensure the phone is fully updated always, and if you even suspect it may contain malware, don’t connect.



Only thing I Accomplished was this Win

Yesterday I could NOT get it together.

I read, daydreamed, laughed over lunch and that’s it.

Despite the lack of posts here, I spent the weekend working. Sunday I had an appointment at Apple to have my cracked screen and took the moment to wipe my entire computing environment.

Ever done that? It’s a good idea to do regularly, same as how a car should be sent in for routine maintenance.

Big undertaking though.

At the very least change your bank / email / Facebook passwords this week, because when was the last time you did?

I’m en route downtown on a bus. Going to meet those behind my new writing job. How old school of me eh, wanting to physically shake a hand.

Send get better vibes, been fighting a fever since last week and it’s starting to win.

xo Keri