This joke would’ve been funnier in 1998.
Blog tag = Storefronts
This has been a post for – a fun, fast-to-scroll mini-blog that goes well with a coffee…over 360 posts!
This joke would’ve been funnier in 1998.
Blog tag = Storefronts
This has been a post for – a fun, fast-to-scroll mini-blog that goes well with a coffee…over 360 posts!
Since I had to junk my Jetta, I’ve been looking with what to replace it.
They’re sold regularly at auctions. Of course the decals must be removed before putting it on the road.
Come on, of all the people you know who should be driving one of these…
Things from the last few weeks.
Catchup with Casie xo
We built our blogs together. Are you reading hers? You ought to –, and her Twitter is consistently one of the best curated feeds.
My comforter project is almost complete.
And my fan finally arrived, look how beautiful! Look how excited I am about a fan?
Home-owning makes me excited about things I never thought I’d be. Blog tag = house
I track the planets and planetary alignments.
This security project kicks off this week, it’s very good.
Monthly steak with a BFF, a 5 year tradition.
And I’m trying, hard, to learn to make food.
This is actually good for me, plus I didn’t have to go to the store first or anything.
Caught up with an old friend over the holidays, “remember this?”, “remember that?” and “wait we documented it…”
Re: the masks – that’s the 1st time I’ve dressed up on Hallowe’en in 20 years, and I’m still paying for it.
I’m not guys, same answer as another organization, last line here.
Like the 2nd floor of a mall.
What about using using a real camera, instead of a phone?
And know how, while typing, the letters get larger?
HD video camera > zoom > record > play it back slowly > get password
Back to the wall when entering passwords, and look up first, everyone forgets to look up.